I don’t recommend products made in China because I don’t support our enemy’s economy.
Many products made in China are cheap in price and craftsmanship, so they don’t last long.
When I recommend a product, I want to make sure you can depend on American Customer Service in time of need.
All the products I recommend are either proudly made in the USA or our allied countries.
Filters, even the best HAPA filters can’t replace natural fresh air. Filters can remove only larger particles, whose size is marked on the filter. Over time and with the help of trapped moisture, filters become a breeding ground for bacteria. Viruses, mold, and mildew. Air filtration systems are needed to remove particles from the indoors, but they can’t restore natural freshness. A small amount of ozone and negative ions can restore natural fresh air for you and your family’s health and longevity. Please select the right air purifier for you.
What are your drinking water sores? Is it tap, bottled, or filtered water? Do you know what’s in your drinking water?
Tap water is safe to drink, but it has chlorine, fluoride, and other man-made chemicals added to it. Water filled in bottles can be there for a long time before being consumed, and plastic has a significate contribution to pollution. Water filters, if not replaced on time, can be a breeding ground for bacteria, mold, and mildew. On the other hand, distilled water replicates nature's way to recycle and purify water. Check out which distiller is right for you.
You can take the best vitamins, minerals, and supplements, but none of them has a life force in them. It doesn’t matter how many grams or milligrams or vitamins and minerals you’re taking a day. What matters is who much of it is absorbed and assimilated by your body and how much of it is accumulated as waste. Juicing is the only natural way to super-charge your body with minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. For over 20 years I advise my customers juicing for better health and longevity. Check out the best juicer for you.
If you’re thinking about body cleanse start with a squatting device for the bathroom. 100 years ago, most people around the world squat for defecation. The introduction of modern toilets brought on us many ills in the bowels. Over 20 years ago, when I studied Natural Healing I became aware of the health consequences of applying pressure during defecation. Get your stool here. functions of the body and not to cure diseases.
Most supplements sold today are manmade from unnatural ingredients. Many people turn to herbal medicine to replace the medicine their doctor gave them. However, herbal medicine depends on the quality of the herbs, and that can be subject to arguments. In this video, I talk about the 3 fundamentals you need to know about herbal medicine.
The supplements I offer are to assist in balancing the functions of the body and not to cure diseases.
It took me years to understand why every time after I quit my addiction, I relapsed back to it. After three years of trial and error, I constructed the path to escape from my addictions forever. Now, it’s your turn to learn how to do it.
Are you brave enough to free yourself from the addiction to fattening food, cigarettes, or alcohol?
I know what's holding you to free yourself – fear and belief – and it's time to construct a new strategy. Watch your freedom
In 2016 I made a DIY bracelet to help myself overcome my long addiction to cigarettes. Later on, this bracelet helped me to change another negative behavior I had.
When something doesn’t go our way, we tend to use our ego. It can happens with our spouse, kids, friends, co-workers, and even with strangers.
This bracelet can change your automatic negative behavior and actions. Which is your favorite color?