Why do most chronically ill people prefer to remain medicated, thus sick?

In my clinics I saw many chronically ill people. Some of them were fighting an incurable disease. Over the years I have learned that almost any disease could be cured, but not everyone can be cured.

Because it’s not about the disease, but it’s all about you!

If you’re addicted to food, cigarettes, alcohol, getaway drugs, or to any distractive behavior, and you’re still straggling with it, this message is for you.

I don’t care how many times you tried to quit, how many programs you failed, and how much money you have spent. Maybe you already lost your hope, and accept your addiction with its detrimental health consequences. If so, I want you to know that I didn’t give up hope on your success in achieving freedom from your addiction. The fact is that you’re here and if so, you still have hope. Remember, sometimes the solution comes unexpectedly.

Grab your ticket now!

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