How many times have you tried to quit your addiction to fattening food, cigarettes, or alcohol?

I tried to quit smoking many times and every time I relapsed, I had to go through emotional stress and agony.

But because of my congenital heart disease, I literally had to leave no stone unturned.  Finally, I found the escape route to freedom from addictions.

Video transcript

Since the merge of the first industrial revolution 200 years ago, humans introduced new and better ways to maintain the survival of our genome. This surviving mechanism is rooted in the DNA of all species, otherwise, they would not be here. There are three fundamentals of surviving for all living species: one, to have pleasure, and that comes from food and sex. Two, to avoid pain and suffering, and three to save energy.

Now, because humans are different from other species in instincts, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, we express pleasure in a much complex way than any other species. That’s why we receive pleasure not just from food and sex. So, machines replaced slaves, and hard jobs became easier. Even housework is not laboring as it used to be. That’s why women, who had free time, joined the workforce. You know how it works in the free world. When you have a job and money in your hand, you can achieve your pleasures. And in modern days you can do it while saving time and energy. And better yet, you can pursue your dreams with less pain and suffering. Nowadays you can do what was not possible for your grandparents, or even your parents. Halleluiah, isn’t that what freedom is all about?

However, there is a catch to it. The population pays a heavy health price on those life shortcuts. Science recognizes a sedentary lifestyle as a contributor to many chronic diseases. For that, we see a worldwide spread of fitness and health clubs with over 200 million active members, with a profit of nearly 100 billion dollars a year. Yet, the facts show the population is getting sicker physically, emotionally, and spiritually. That’s because the three fundamentals to our survival as species were dramatically changed during the third industrial revolution.

Nowadays, technology and emergency medical treatments help us to avoid pain and suffering, which help us to survive as species. However, the main fundamental to our survival and the whole reason for our existence – pleasure from food and sex – has completely changed. In my research, I found it to be the root cause of most chronic physical and mental diseases. So, let’s take a look at how this phenomenon happens.

In order to survive, humans had to build shelters, hunt, and grow food. It was clear to the head of the family, or the tribe that to survive there is a need for working hands. Throughout history, each member of the community had an assignment. At 16 boys turn to manhood and join the workforce and the army to protect the community in a time of war. Girls, at 14 turned to be women, and besides daily tiering work, they were bread to bring additional members to the community. At that time, women couldn’t choose with whom to married, or how many kids to bring. The mortality rate of children under 5 was high because of poor personal hygiene and sanitation conditions in the living spaces. That’s why polygamy was accepted, and still is in remote communities around the world.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, humans moved to larger cities for jobs and better housing conditions. As the mortality rate for children under 5 continued to drop, there was no need to bring many children. Moving from smaller communities to larger cities, women could choose the right man to bring fewer children. Then, in the mid-20th century came the sexual revolution and the feminist movement. With help of birth control pills, sex for pleasure was available everywhere. However, the digital revolution changed the sex industry forever. The growth of internet porn, reaching $100 billion a year, is clearly evident that sexual activity is turning virtual.

Just 50 years ago a man had to woo after a woman, take her out for dinner, and try hard to impress her before she agrees to get in bed with him. Today there are many ways to get pleasure from sex, without wasting time, money, and energy wooing women. when social media entered our life our relationship with other people start turning virtual and so did our sexual activity. The social distancing of the past years helps to increase virtual relationships. Today, we witness behavioral changes as a direct response to being active in the social media. More people experience stress, anxiety, and fears and they have fewer interactions with others. That emotional stress leads to increasing addictions.

Yet, the industrial revolution also changed our pleasure from the food we eat.  The modern convenient food industry, which started after WWII, changed our historic basic diet. You see, throughout history, humans ate what they could grow, collect or hunt by the season, in their area. Back then, many people were working to grow and collect food. Preparing meals for the family require to stand many hours in the kitchen. Though modern kitchen appliances made work easier, the food industry offers many cheaper and less time-consuming shortcuts to satisfy our tastebuds.  If you live a modern fast-lane, rat race lifestyle, most likely you eat industrialized convenient food. This kind of food is designed by engineers to be addictive. It tastes good, has a long shelf-life, and has a cheap price tag. And what are the results of eating and drinking this kind of food?

Today, 70% of Americans show their food addiction by being overweight or obese, which are the leading reasons for chronic diseases and premature death. Studies also show that overweight and obese find themselves not attractive, and are more likely to be lonely and depressed. Are you still looking for reasons for the growing porn industry, when 70% of Americans find themselves unattractive and lonely? Not long ago, obesity took the lead from cigarettes smokers of premature aging and early death. That’s how addictions became shortcuts to pleasure while using less time and energy.

To my clinics came many smokers and overweight. They were looking for alternative ways to heal their blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. With most of them, I refused to work because it’s not possible to help someone’s chronic disease, while still addicted to what causes it in the first place.

Then, in 2009 I relapsed to my old addictions to cigarettes and fattening foods. This time I felt I’m on the death roll. I started feeling the symptoms of my heart disease and even my cardiologist recommended to start taking medications. It took me 8 years of trials and errors until I found the escape path to freedom from what was killing me slowly – addiction to nicotine and fattening food. On February 9th, 2016, I took the escape route I developed and freed myself from those addictions. Today, I can assure you there is no way back to the addiction because I have the tools, I need to protect myself from falling off the wagon again.

If you’re dealing with chronic disease and you’re addicted to fattening foods, nicotine, or alcohol, I might help you to know what causes your addiction, why it’s so hard to quit, why you have relapses and how to slowly overcome your addiction and change your lifestyle. Your ticket to freedom from addictions can start when you learn how to free yourself from destructive addictions. After that, you can practice your freedom and disconnect yourself from your addiction, this time for good.

Click on the link below this video and start your freedom for free. Do it now! You owe it to yourself and to your family. Click the link now and do your first step to freedom from your addiction.
