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The question is, why bacteria, which were around us from the dawn of time, decided to evolve to be life threatening and kill bacteria? Well, there are 2 reasons for that. The first is, the doctor was taught to give a chemical-based drug as the only treatment for acute and chronic diseases.
The second reason is, you have no idea why you’re sick and what antibiotics do in the body. You presume antibiotics were giving you to destroy microscopic invaders, called bacteria, who want to make you sick or even kill you. Right?
But that isn’t your fault at all. Because if you just knew what is the role of bacteria in the body when you feel healthy, or sick and if you knew what antibiotics are actually doing in the body, I think you’ll reduce the visits to the doctor.
I believe it’s your right to know this information. Even if you’re a layman you can easily understand what I’m going to teach you. Are you ready for some history?
Louis Pasteur, the father of microbiology, claimed that the bacterium is the causative agent if infectious diseases and it should be destroyed. From here on, science was on a mission to find the silver bullet to destroy pathogenic bacteria. Theoretically Pasteur was right, but this practice was a mistake and the results are excessive use of antibiotics and vaccines.
Dr. Pasteur continued his research and was on a winning path in the battle against infectious diseases. He discovered three bacteria that were responsible for infections: staphylococcus, streptococcus and pneumococcus.
Although the number of these bacteria increases during illness, but the same bacteria are present in the body in a smaller number even when we are completely healthy. Candida, for example, is also found in the body naturally. Candida reproduces beyond control in certain conditions and becomes a harmful fungus. And that’s what happens with staphylococcus, streptococcus and pneumococcus that Pasteur claimed to be the cause of infectious diseases.
Prior to his death, Dr. Paster admitted that bacteria are not directly causing infectious diseases, but science and big pharma did not address it. They wanted to eradicate the diseases with a profitable silver bullet no matter what. In the 20th century many vaccines and antibiotics were developed. That raises the illusion that we were able to eradicate infectious diseases.
Another issue that troubled science at the time was diseases caused by bacteria in spoiled food, especially products such as milk, cheese, meat and bread. These products were "spoiled" easily because there were no preservatives or refrigeration. Here too, Dr. Pasteur had a practical theory – to sterilize these products. The sterilization process to remove bacteria from food is called pasteurization, named after Doctor Pastor. This process is quite simple, heat the product for a few minutes and the product is pasteurized. Now the product doesn’t have bacteria or enzymes.
Milk is a great example: every breastfeed animal, fed on fresh milk straight from its mother. This fresh milk has a life energy and bacteria that was not exposed to air or heat. It didn’t go through any oxidation, or pasteurization process.
Take any living species animal or plant and cut its life line and immediately bacteria start decomposing it. The enzymes that gave life are now recycling it. So, what bacteria do in the body?
Until a few decades ago all macroscopic creatures were classified as bacteria or in other words cells. Now they are classified as nuclear and non-nuclear creatures.
In fact, the ecological / biological fabric of the earth exists thanks to microbial cells. Some are unicellular, others multicellular, some have nuclei and some have not. Most of these cells sustain their own life processes — division, replication, and self-destruction.
The human body, for example, is multicellular. When different types of cells join to form tissue, tissues form organs and organs form systems. Those systems make the body function. Besides the human cells that make up our body, there is also a large number of bacteria cells. Science found in the body 10 times more bacteria cells than human cells, many of them live in our gut and without them our health and welding is not possible!
Though, the popular belief is that bacteria cause infections, most of the bacteria in us are not pathogenic and they do not cause infections, or diseases. Now, unlike human cells, who don’t have cell wall, bacteria, friendly or pathogenic, have a cell wall around them.
The action of antibiotics is to destroy the cell wall of bacteria. Antibiotics do not harm the human cells because they don’t have a wall around them.
In the human body, especially in the gut, there are two types of bacteria. Most of them are friendly. We feed them with the food we eat, and in return they feed us with their metabolic secretions. For example: the body cannot use protein, therefore protein is broken into small molecules called mino acids. There are certain strains of bacteria in the gut that digest proteins and in return the bacteria secrete amino acids the body uses.
A feeling of strength, resilience and vitality signifies that those bacteria do their job, digesting food and providing the body with nutrients it needs.
Another type of bacteria that are naturally found in the body are considered pathogenic, diseases causing bacteria. Their presence in the body is very essential. That’s why they are there. They are considered the cleansing workers of the body. Their job is to dispose of unnecessary garbage that has accumulated. When they go out to work, the person gets symptoms of illness. Sometimes garbage disposal lasts several days and sometimes longer.
Those "bad" pathogenic bacteria that are naturally found in a healthy human, do not cause disease. When they multiply to do their job, we feel symptoms of disease mainly in the respiratory system — in the gut, lungs, throat, and sinuses.
Most friendly bacteria perform various metabolic actions that encourage and stimulate action of the body systems. But also, in the body there are bacteria that are considered “bad”. Most of the time, their numbers are small and their activity is not even felt. There are a number of factors that cause them to multiply. The main cause is the accumulation of toxins that the body or a particular system in the body does not have the ability to get rid of.
In any condition of an acute disease caused by a bacterium, the person will heal after a while with, or without antibiotic treatment. But, are you aware of the results after using antibiotics, to destroy the bacteria that’s naturally living in you? Here is an excellent example:
A child starts coughing, has a runny nose. There are several reasons for this. It may be a normal reaction to excess mucus that has accumulated in the lungs and sinuses. Perhaps it’s due to excessive consumption of dairy products, sugar and other mucus forming processed food. So, it’s difficult for the body to get rid of excess mucus that keeps accumulating. Therefore, the bacteria that cleans the garbage go to work. During the cleaning operation the child will feel congestion in the throat and sinuses. He’ll cough, have phlegm and maybe even a mild fever. Nothing serious to worry about.
So, the mother sees her sick child and takes him to the doctor. The doctor does not take into account the reasons that caused the bacterium to multiply. He was taught in medical school the theory of Louis Pasture from 150 years ago. Even though Pasture admitted his theory was wrong, big pharma made a fortune teaching doctors to practice it.
The word antibiotic means: Anti, which means against and Bios, which means life. Antibiotic is a chemical that destroys living bacteria by damaging its cell’s wall.
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