Body cleanse without spiritual and mental cleanse, is half job done!

Body cleansing has a fundamental importance in preventing and curing diseases. Experts offering colon, liver, and kidneys cleanse, and you might already hear about it…

However, maybe the experts didn't see the whole picture?

If you’re thinking about body cleanse start with a squatting device for the bathroom. 100 years ago, most people around the world squat for defecation. The introduction of modern toilets brought on us many ills in the bowels. Over 20 years ago, when I studied Natural Healing I became aware of the health consequences of applying pressure during defecation. Get your stool here.

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Juice cleansing has been around for decades. I had a lot of juice-fasting, between 1-7 days with much improvement to my health. If you want to improve your health and longevity, take my advice and start juicing at least one large cup a day.
My diabetic customers were concern about the amount of sugar in fruits and vegetable juices. It’s true, fruits and some veggies have sugar in them, but in my clinics, I have seen normal blood sugar levels even during a 3-day carrot juice fasting. Besides that, I recommend buying the book Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices, written by Dr. Norman Walker. He is the #1 authority in juicing..

In my clinics, I emphasize bowel cleans. I noticed that many of my customers needed help adjusting their peristaltic motion. After years of the wrong lifestyle, it can cause sluggish peristaltic motion. It made my clients apply pressure during defecation.

In my studies, I learned that this pressure causes most diseases of the bowels. To many of my customers, I offered an herbal formula for strengthening the peristaltic motion in their bowels.