Video transcript

do you believe that thoughts can create reality? Your answer can be yes or no and that's just fine. Because the answer you gave is based on your faith. And faith differs from person to person. So, before you get into the rehab process there are a few facts about a belief that I want to clarify.

For example, if I ask you if the sun will rise tomorrow. The answer will be certainly yes. Now, tell me the answer comes from knowing or believing? Do you believe the sun will rise tomorrow or do you know for sure it will rise tomorrow too? Of course, you know. Because the sun is seen rising every day and it is documented for the past 6000 years of written history.

If I ask what color is my fridge, most likely you believe my fridge is stainless steel or white. Even though you've never seen it before, and you do not know for sure what my fridge color is. So why do most of you believe my fridge is stainless steel or white? Because from your life experience and from what you see around you, most refrigerators are stainless steel or white so you believe mine is too.

And what is your belief about addiction? When an addict first tries to quit, does he believe he will succeed, or not? He never tried to quit, so he still does not know what is going to happen. Right?

And even though he has never tried yet, he already has faith that it's not going to be easy. Because others who try have already told him how hard it was for them, and in the end, they went back to the addiction. He also heard how much money they spent on all sorts of methods that did not help. And because of this, there are many addicts who don't even try to quit.

Addicts are scared to quit because of the negative beliefs that they have about their ability to quit. But, why does the fear of getting rid of destructive addiction exist in the first place? This happens because people do not have the right knowledge for the rehab process that takes place in the mind, and it is not their fault.

Tell me, do you remember your first driving lesson? Or the first time you rode a bike as a child? It was scary, right? In fact, anything new we do for the first time seems scary at first, but the more we practice it, the fear fades away. And another thing, knowledge forms positive belief, while fear is a weakness that helps to form negative belief.

And what is hovering over the heads of addicts who want to quit? Fear to quit, which forms negative beliefs.

Now, do you remember the story about the weatherman and the forecast? Great. So, if the weatherman promises several times that it is going to rain and in the end it doesn’t, are you going to start losing faith in him? Do you know the story of the shepherd and the wolf? Every time the shepherd would shout a wolf and the villagers run to him for help and in the end, it turned out that there was no wolf, no bears and no forest. After a few times they stopped believing in him. In the end the wolf came and preyed on a few goats, and no one came to help.

And this is what happens to people who stop the addiction for a short time and get back to it. Then they try again and again without success. They already stop believing that they can reach the goal. They begin to believe that it is impossible to quit.

Why is it happening? Why do they fail time and time again? Why are they wasting time, money and energy? Because in the first place they enter the rehab process with the fear that it will not succeed. And when, after they fail several times, it turns from a belief that they will fail into a fact. In the end they see no point in trying to quit the addiction.

Therefore, the first two steps in the strategy for final withdrawal from addictions are: Number 1. Release the imaginary fear of your inability to quit. Number 2. Unify a positive belief in the rehab process.  

And to the question, can thoughts create reality? Yes, but it depends on the content of the thought and in the depth of your belief in it.