Antibiotics can endanger your health

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Throughout history, humans had to deal with inflammations. The main reasons for inflammatory diseases were and still are, injuries, bacterial and viral infections. Besides injuries, the reasons for inflammatory diseases were from food, water, and environmental contaminations due to poor personal hygiene and living conditions.

But that was then. Today we have food preservatives, refrigeration, and sanitation to keep contaminations out of food, drinking water, and from our living and working areas. We also have medical treatments for acute inflammation, like acute bronchitis, sinusitis, sore throat from cold and flu, and more. However, medical treatments don’t help heal chronic inflammatory diseases. They tend to mask the symptoms of diseases while keeping them chronically active. Unfortunately, chronic disease can turn incurable, causing much pain and suffering for the rest of the patient’s life.

To understand how acute inflammation turns chronic, first, we need to establish the fact that inflammation is irritation of energy flow somewhere in the body. When that happens, the body does what it takes to restore the energy flow and to return back to normal health. That’s what happens in the case of cuts, wounds, and acute diseases. For example, acute disease can be bronchitis, sinusitis, and sore throat from cold, flu, or corona. But you can relate it to any acute inflammatory disease anywhere in the body, such as in the digestive system, which can host a number of acute inflammatory syndromes and diseases.

Now let’s dig into it. Irritation of tissues leads to inflammation and it has 5 symptoms – pain, heat, swelling, redness, and loss of function. The duration of acute disease has a bell shape. where it starts, gets to the peak, and then returns back to a normal, healthy condition. Medical treatment for acute diseases doesn’t heal, but medicines kill bacteria, reduce pain, heat, and swelling, which are supposed to help in recovery. Yet, did you know that the body has the ability to heal itself from acute inflammation without harming medication?

So, how does acute disease turn chronic? The short answer is: it happens when the irritation doesn’t stop and eventually the inflammation turns chronic. For example, smokers are more prone to contracting a chronic respiratory infection, because they don’t stop irritating their throat, lungs, and sinuses with tobacco smoke. That’s how alcohol chronically irritates the liver, and overeating, or eating industrialized foods, chronically irritates the digestive system, the pancreas, heart, liver, kidneys, brain, and more.

While we can’t avoid living without contracting an acute inflammation from wounds, bacterial and viral infections, we can reduce chronic diseases if we understand what’s wrong with the medical treatment given for acute inflammation. That’s because medical treatment can reduce the body’s ability to heal itself and return to normal health. How does that happen?

Well, when someone goes to see a doctor for acute infection. The doctor most likely prescribes antibiotics and medications for pain and fever. Right? Those medications are shortcuts to get you fast back on your feet, but then you get another acute inflammatory disease and another one. If someone as a child had acute inflammation, such as in the lungs, sinuses, and in the digestive system, there are greater chances the acute disease turns chronic later on in the child’s life. That’s a direct result of the medical treatment. Now, let’s examine how it happen.

You see, bacteria are present in any inflammatory condition. For example, when a kid falls off his bike and deeply scratches his knee or arm, the infection starts to develop. The area has all 5 symptoms of infection – pain, heat, swelling, redness, and loss of function. So, first, blood clots develop to seal the leaking blood vessels. Then, a scab starts to develop to connect back the skin tissues. Sometimes we even see pus coming out of the scab’s edges. Later on, the scab falls off and the kid is left with a scar on the knee or arm. If the kid’s wound is not too bad, most likely his parents will take care of it with disinfectant and bandages and over time the wound will heal by itself.

Now, I want you to be aware that the immune system and bacteria are involved in the process of recovering. Heat and swelling around the wound, are signs of immune and bacterial activity. Pus, the whites’ yellows liquid consists of white immune cells fighting off the bad bacteria, and friendly bacteria help to develop the new scab and scar.

Yet, when someone has an internal acute infection, like in the lungs, sinuses, and digestive system, the doctor offers a different recovery path. In my research I found it to be the key element of how acute disease can turn chronic. I also want you to know that there is no difference in how the immune system and bacteria act in case of inflammation. It’s doesn’t matter if the inflammation is on your skin or gums, where you can see it. Or, in the lungs, the digestive system, and elsewhere in the body where you cannot see it. In both cases, the 5 symptoms of inflammation appear, and the difference is in the medical treatment.

You see, antibiotics are the first line of defense the doctor offer in case of acute inflammation. Antibiotics kill bad bacteria and good ones too. Despite the interruption in microbial balance, inherently the body aspires to return back to homeostasis balance. If adopting a healthy lifestyle, over time the microbial balance return to normal.  Even I remember taking antibiotics and feeling their side effect, especially in my digestive system. However, sins I changed my lifestyle over 20 years ago I didn’t take medications, and I feel healthy and strong. If you want to know more about the relationship between antibiotics and your immune system, please watch the video about it. I have a link for you below this video.

So, how does acute inflammatory disease turn chronic? Well, as kids and teenagers most of us took antibiotics when we had acute inflammation. Usually, after a week or two, the illness was gone. Yet, the reaction to taking antibiotics is different from one to another. It mainly depends on the genetics and lifestyle of the individual. That’s why a specific antibiotic does not always have the same results for everyone, and many times the doctor has to change the antibiotic. Right?

As kids and teenagers, none of us could escape bacterial or viral acute infection especially in the lungs and in the digestive system. But for some of us, the acute disease appears over and over again until it turns chronic. Science has already found the relationship between missing friendly bacteria and the development of chronic diseases. Yet, friendly bacteria also help to develop blood clots and scares as part of the healing process. By knowing that, we can come to an invertible conclusion.

Antibiotics destroy friendly bacteria, which is needed for healing. As a reaction to that, healing is less sufficient and may take a longer time. Simultaneously, the kid or teenager keeps living the same lifestyle, which causes inflammation in the first place. When acute inflammation returns to the lungs, sinuses, or the digestive system, the weakest area, where the scare was from in the previous infection, gets inflamed again. As time pass and more acute inflammation accrue in the same location, two things most likely happen. First, the scar tissue thickens. Second, the acute condition turns chronic.  Thicken lungs scar tissue is called pulmonary fibrosis, and it can lead to lungs cancer.

Can you imagine in how many places along the 20-foot long digestive tract, have thickening around the walls? In the esophagus, the stomach, appendix, small and large intestines, and even in the rectum around the haminoeids. As a fact, thickening of scar tissue due to inflammatory diseases can happen in any major organ in the body, which can lead to chronic disease in there and later on, even cancer might develop.

In conclusion, I must say that if you don’t have basic knowledge on how the body heals itself naturally, then it’s easy to indoctrinate you to believe in the treatment offered to you by the establishment and big pharma. That led me to put together for you the complete puzzle for health and longevity. Everything now is in your hands. You can either continue following your doctor’s order or start to learn new ways for a healthier you. Goodbye.