Video transcript

In 2017 obesity became the number 1 cause of preventable premature deaths in the US, leaving behind the long-term winner – addiction to nicotine.

Though 2 out of 3 adults are overweight, obesity affects today nearly 40% of adults in America, and the obesity rate in children is increasing every year, without any ability to stop it.

When I examined the plan offered widely to help obese to lose weight, I could not find much of a difference with the plan that was offered in the 1960’s or 70s. and back then, 40-50 years ago, obesity was not on the headline news. And today, in the 21st century, medical professionals can’t give us a clear definition of what is obesity, what causes it and why it became an unstoppable pandemic.

In this video, I’ll try to clear the mystery and the confusion. For references, I’ll use information from leading medical professionals like the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the WHO and from the Obesity Action Coalition.

So first, let's find out what is obesity?  Well, we are told that obesity is a medical condition, where Body Mass Index exceeds 30 points. But if someone’s BMI is between 25 to 29.9 he will be considered overweight.

However, according to the Obesity Coalition Action and medical authorities, high BMI is the result of a disease. Just like high blood pressure is the result of heart disease. In their opinion, obesity is caused by many factors, and it’s treatable and can be managed. They think if you’re obese it’s not your fault, and you cannot manage it by yourself. The experts from the obesity coalition think there is more than just food to create obesity. And we all know there isn’t a miracle treatment for obesity.

So, can we call obesity a disease of the brain or it’s a compulsive behavior? Because in order for science to recognize a brain disease, they must first prove the interaction between the addictive drug to the reward system in the brain. Thus, influencing the addicts to compulsively use the drug over and over. Therefore, if obesity is a disease of the brain, the drug that causes it must be recognized before any other factor. Just like nicotine was identified as the drug that causes addiction to tobacco.

And if obesity was a chronic disease, it should be treated and managed like many others. However, chronic diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol are treated and managed successfully with medication and improving lifestyle. Right? But all this doesn’t apply to obesity. In fact, there are no medications to treat obesity successfully with long-term or lifelong effects.

And if obesity is not someone’s fault, so who’s fault is it? If addiction to nicotine is caused by tobacco, so there is a product to blame and even warn the public from it.  There are corporations to condemn and sue them for damages. Right? But in obesity? It would be politically correct to say that there are many factors contributing to obesity, and therefore we can’t blame anyone specifically.

In the case of obesity, it is better to keep the fog over the issue and throw fraises without expiations. Look, to say that obesity is a complicated disease. And as such, there is a good reason why it’s so difficult for science to find medication and programs to treat it successfully. Or maybe the problem is that obesity has more than one cause, therefore it’s difficult to treat. But you see, the NIDA had already proved that a drug must be involved in order to claim obesity as a brain disease.

In the case of obesity, on the one hand, science declares that obesity is a brain disease without announcing which drug causes it. But on the other hand, science tells us that obesity is not just about food and therefore we can’t blame the food corporations for obesity.

However, science is also governed by Newton’s 3rd law of physics – for every action, there must be a reaction. For example, for the action of smoking tobacco, the invertible reaction are respiratory diseases. So, what action is needed to cause obesity? To make obesity a complicated disease, science is giving us 7 reasons why people become obese. So, let’s take a look at those reasons and see why each one of them can’t cause obesity.

Reason number 1. Consuming too many calories. Well, we all like to indulge in sweets and tasty foods on our birthdays and holidays. Consuming too many calories doesn’t make someone obese. Chronically consuming food rich in calories, will cause someone to become overweight. And being an overweight person doesn’t mean you’ll become obese. Here I’m in 2016, 43 pounds overweight but I didn’t turn to be obese. And the fact is that over 60% of Americans are overweight because they consume too many calories. But about half of them are obese. Besides that, the same food is available to everyone, but only 40% of us are obese.  And science is telling us that food is not the only cause of obesity.  Because if it was, then some foods would be labeled as drugs. Right?

Reason number 2. We are leading a sedentary lifestyle, compare to past generations.  It’s true that in the 21st century most of us don’t have laboring jobs, we spend hours in from of the TV and the computer, and we commute from place to place with cars. All those have their share in the crisis, but we can find overweight people even among contraction workers and other laboring jobs.

A sedentary lifestyle starts to spread in America after the second world war.  As the Automobile industry start to manufacture more cars and families moved from the city to the suburbs. So, without dietary changes, people would gain weight, simply by eating the same number of calories without using them on the daily job and for commuting from place to place.  So yes, a sedentary lifestyle without proper dietary modifications, eventually result in becoming overweight and that’s what happened in America in the 1950’s through the 80’s. However, by all means, a sedentary lifestyle can cause someone to become overweight, but it does not cause obesity.  There must be another factor.

So the next suggestion for the cause of obesity is number 3. Not sleeping enough. The study suggested that sleep deprivation increases the risk to develop obesity. The problem with this theory is that obesity, unlike other chronic diseases, can develop only in overweight kids and adults, whereas other chronic diseases can develop in adults of all sizes, genders and ethnic groups.

In my clinic, I met with people who suffered from insomnia. Most of them were facing challenges in their life. Like divorce, losing their job or a death of a loved one. That by itself can cause sleep deprivation. But challenges in life can also cause people to overeat, drink more alcohol, smoke more cigarettes and other drug abuse.

A study was published in 2009 shows that sleep disorders associated with drug abuse. But in the case of obesity, science still did not declare some foods as addictive drugs that also cause sleep deprivation.

However, reason number 4 could finally recognize the drug that causes obesity. Because a study shows that consumption of liquid fructose or as it is commonly known as High Fructose Corn Syrup, can cause metabolic syndrome that leads to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure and eventually obesity. The conclusion of all the studies suggested avoiding High Fructose Corn Syrup.

Not just the studies offered a logical solution to what causes obesity, but also the statistics clearly show how the obesity rate started to go up in the 1980’s after the introduction of HFCS.  and in turn of high production of it, we started to see the inclining rate of obesity.

However, despite all the studies the FDA categorized HFCS as GRAS product – which means generally recognized as safe for consumption without any limits. This irresponsible act proved once and again that the FDA protects corporations and not the public. By the way, high-density fructose syrup was not known to humans before its invention back in the 1970’s.

As I explained before, 2500 years ago sucrose is known as sugar was considered a very expensive drug. In the 19 and 20th centuries, the price of sugar dramatically decreased due to new growing and processing technics. High consumption of it caused many people to become overweight. But then, a new drug was discovered that was more addictive than sugar. And the drug dealers started to produce more and more food items with it. You see, nobody could stop those corporations because the FDA categorized sugar and HFCS as safe to use without limits.

Today, there are food engineers working for drugs cartels creating addictive foods for babies, children and adults.  And they have only 1 thing in mind. To create a product that consumers like the test of it, to make them addicted to it, so they will buy it over and over. And all these criminal act for greed is totally legal.

The reason number 5 for obesity is medications causing weight gain. But if we examine those medications, we’ll find they are mainly antipsychotics, antidepressants and mood stabilizers. Medications are widely used to treat many people of all sizes, shapes, genders, and ethnic groups. Including people who want to lose weight. So, those medications can cause anyone to gain weight, and they can cause an overweight person to gain even more weight and become obese. But those medications do not cause obesity. To my clinics came overweight people who were depressed because of the fact they could not lose weight. That by itself is a good reason to use antidepressants and mood stabilizers drugs.

Reason number 6 suggested that obesity is caused by self-perpetuating, which simply means that the more fat someone carries the less likely he will be able to lose it. But isn’t overweight can also be self-perpetuating? How many overweight people are trying to lose it on the yoyo diet? So in other words, reason number 6 is telling us “if you’re overweight, you have a good chance to become obese, or at least you’ll have a problem losing weight and keep it off”.

But what is the reason for it?  One study titled, “chronic stress, drug use, and vulnerability to addiction”, also suggested that early life chronic stress has a connection to the dopamine system and using drugs. Which can perfectly match childhood obesity and obesity in general.  Where the child or the young adult first becomes overweight, which in return causes physical and emotional stress. This leads to using of even more of the drug until eventually, they become obese. In other words, stress can cause chronic overdosing on a legal drug, labeled as food, and this behavior is directly contributing to obesity.

Medical experts conclude the saga with reason number 7 for obesity. Genetics.  But we know that babies are not born obese. It’s true that if the parents are overweight or obese, their children will learn from their wrong eating habits and they can become overweight and even obese just like their parents. However, childhood obesity affects children of parents of all shapes and sizes. So by all means obesity in not inherent like the color of the hair skin and eyes.

But the meaning of genetic can also be a phenomenon of an organism. Today, science searching different areas of genetics. One of them is behavioral genetics, which includes mental illness.

Now, look at this child and tell me if what you see is not a behavioral phenomenon of an organism, caused by nothing else than a drug.

In conclusion, I can suggest that obesity is slavery to a common legal highly addictive drug, that highjacked the reward system in the brain. Thus, altering the behavior of the addict and influencing him to act automatically against his own free will.

Therefore, obesity is the result of acquired behavioral addiction to eatable chemicals, that are intentionally categorized as food for humans.

And what causes obesity?   There are a few factors contributing to the rising rate of this disorder. 1, higher production and lower cost to manufacture the drug. Which happened in the 1980’s with the introduction of HFCS.

2, the health authorities like the FDA and the WHO protect the legal drug cartel by, a) not warning the public about the potential diseases associated with prolonged usage of those drugs. b), by not condemning and suing the corporations. As a fact, most states in America don’t even have sales tax on those drugs as they have on other addictive drugs like tobacco and alcohol.

c). Our government and legislators, who prefer to protect the farmers growing the drugs, but not the public who’s using it, getting sick and eventually prematurely dying from it.

And in the next episode, I’ll introduce to you the commonsense solution to freedom from slavery to common addictions. Stay toned 

Do you really know what causes obesity?

If your answer is FOOD, you’re only partially right.


Because if I ask you for example, what causes some people to light 20, 30, 40 cigarettes or more every single day? The logical answer would be an addiction to nicotine, a highly addictive drug sold only for adults over 18.

But you see, up until 2017 smoking tobacco was the leading cause of preventable leading premature deaths in America, killing nearly half a million people every year.

But now, obesity took the lead. The problem is, that since the emergency announcement of the Surgeon General back in 1994, the rate of obesity kept going up.  However, the rising pandemic affects not just adults, but all ages including young children under the age of 5.

So, what do you think obesity is…

A complicated brain disease that has more than one cause and it’s not just-food. And it’s nobody’s fault that over 30% of Americans are obese because obesity is part of modern life.

Or maybe obesity is slavery to a common legal highly addictive drug, that highjacked the reward system in the brain. Thus, altering the behavior of the addict and influencing him to act automatically against his own free will.

Therefore, obesity is the result of acquired behavioral addiction to eatable chemicals, that are intentionally categorized as food for humans.

Now, it’s your responsibility to find out.

Not just for you, but for your vulnerable kids and grandchildren. For their future.