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As a fact, the WHO is promoting big pharma to inject us, from birth, with their products. They claim, their products strengthen our immune system. However, after over 70 years of reinforcing their opinion and their products on us, the population grows sicker and chronic diseases start at a younger age. Not just that, but in 2020 the WHO announced that our immune system cannot even recognize covid-19, which is a mutation of corona retrovirus.
Aren’t you wondering why we still fighting chronic diseases? Why science couldn’t tell us what causes those diseases and how to heal them, without making us addicted to their drugs?
But to all this, there is one invertible question. Why health organizations don't teach us about the immune system, just like they teach us about nutrition, exercising, and personal hygiene? What if I told you that understanding how the immune system works is easier than understanding the complicity of nutrition associated with minerals, vitamins, and enzymes.
You see, only in the 1950s and 60s, scientists have begun to understand how the immune system works. The discoveries undermined the justification for the use of antibiotics and vaccines that were already in mass production. From that, you can understand why big pharma preferred to continue the administration of antibiotics and vaccines.
That’s because their livelihood depends on sales of products and their products depend on the public's lack of knowledge of how the immune system works. Because of that, it was easy for the WHO and the CDC to create constant intimidation from diseases mainly caused by viruses and bacteria.
From the day the baby is born until his last day of old age, the health authority does not stop convincing him that the cure of the diseases depends on chemical drugs. To prevent diseases the science invented vaccines and to cure diseases they recommend antibiotics and other drugs. Why are they acting as if the body does not have an immune system, whose function is to ensure that we are protected from pathogens?
Two things are implied from their treatments for diseases.
- One, there is no system in the human body whose function is to maintain our health. Therefore, the body needs our products as protection from diseases.
- Number 2. the immune system does not function properly, so the vaccine and antibiotics replace the immune system or help it to do its job.
It seems that science is shading from the public the immune system's ability to deal with the disease. So, why does big pharma attack the immune system with vaccines and drugs from the first day of a newborn to his last day as an adult? And most of all, what if people know how the immune system works, so they could choose the method to treat acute and chronic diseases?
Books and magazines are filled with information about the immune system however, the population is growing sicker. To me it looks like the immune system, fail to protect us.
Do you know why?
Video transcript
As a fact, the WHO is promoting big pharma to inject us, from birth, with their products. They claim, their products strengthen our immune system. However, after over 70 years of reinforcing their opinion and their products on us, the population grows sicker and chronic diseases start at a younger age. Not just that, but in 2020 the WHO announced that our immune system cannot even recognize covid-19, which is a mutation of corona retrovirus.
Aren’t you wondering why we still fighting chronic diseases? Why science couldn’t tell us what causes those diseases and how to heal them, without making us addicted to their drugs?
But to all this, there is one invertible question. Why health organizations don't teach us about the immune system, just like they teach us about nutrition, exercising, and personal hygiene? What if I told you that understanding how the immune system works is easier than understanding the complicity of nutrition associated with minerals, vitamins, and enzymes.
You see, only in the 1950s and 60s, scientists have begun to understand how the immune system works. The discoveries undermined the justification for the use of antibiotics and vaccines that were already in mass production. From that, you can understand why big pharma preferred to continue the administration of antibiotics and vaccines.
That’s because their livelihood depends on sales of products and their products depend on the public's lack of knowledge of how the immune system works. Because of that, it was easy for the WHO and the CDC to create constant intimidation from diseases mainly caused by viruses and bacteria.
From the day the baby is born until his last day of old age, the health authority does not stop convincing him that the cure of the diseases depends on chemical drugs. To prevent diseases the science invented vaccines and to cure diseases they recommend antibiotics and other drugs. Why are they acting as if the body does not have an immune system, whose function is to ensure that we are protected from pathogens?
Two things are implied from their treatments for diseases.
- One, there is no system in the human body whose function is to maintain our health. Therefore, the body needs our products as protection from diseases.
- Number 2. the immune system does not function properly, so the vaccine and antibiotics replace the immune system or help it to do its job.
It seems that science is shading from the public the immune system's ability to deal with the disease. So, why does big pharma attack the immune system with vaccines and drugs from the first day of a newborn to his last day as an adult? And most of all, what if people know how the immune system works, so they could choose the method to treat acute and chronic diseases?
In the past 25 years I learned that the immune system will do anything to protect you and keep you alive, regardless of what you do, to decrease its functions. To keep you alive, the immune system can fight different parts of the body. Science calls it autoimmune disease. Even osteoporosis is developed to keep you alive. Where the body is sacrificing the skeleton, by using calcium from the bones in order to use it and thus keeping the person alive.
Now the choice is in your hands. You can continue doing what your doctor recommended, or start taking control over your life and health. If you think God created you without giving your body the ability to protect itself from the environment, then go ahead and keep worship the gods of science. However, I believe that you know there is only 1 God, your creator and the spark of God resides within the energy of life in you.
Therefore, I invite you to join me in the next lesson, where I teach the simplicity in the complexity of the immune system.
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