Video transcript

Hello friends, I don’t think there is one person who did not experience changes in bowel movement. Constipation, or difficulty to pass stool, is the most common complaint. Diarrhea is another common digestive issue.

Because in this chapter I’m going to talk about constipation, first I would like to clarify a few things about diarrhea.  There are two main reasons to get diarrhea. One is from contaminated food. It can be from pathogenic bacteria or parasites in foods that weren’t cooked or stored properly. The second reason is a sharp change in gut flora, which leads to indigestion. Besides diarrhea, imbalance in gut microbes can cause food allergies to gluten, lactose, and more.

So, what causes an imbalance in good bacteria?  There are two common things contribute to bacterial imbalance. The first is the antibiotics, which kill bacteria without distinguishing between good and bad. Antibiotics don’t destroy only bad bacteria, but also the friendly. For example, after taking antibiotics for an infection in the lungs or sinuses, many women have a bacterial imbalance in their vaginas.

The second reason for gut microbe imbalance is the preservatives and other chemicals in industrialized foods and beverages. Those preservatives prevent the growth of bacteria and can eliminate the activity of gut bacteria. While food preservatives prolong the product's shelf life. Yet, they don’t have any health benefits to the consumers. My advice is to choose your food wisely. There is a misunderstanding about food and its contribution to health or to diseases. If you wish to end your food confusion, please visit the food element in the puzzle of health.

Now you know that in modern countries, living and working conditions are not the same as they used to be in the past.  Back then, the wild spread of infectious diseases was invertible because of the contaminated living environment.  In the 19th century, scientists were in a race to find the silver bullet to defeat infectious diseases.  The germ theory led to the development of antibiotics. Before his death, Louis Pasture admit his theory was wrong. However, even today med schools teach physicians that antibiotics do better than harm.

I can assure you, that antibiotics do more harm than good because their side effect can affect people for the rest of their life.

If centuries ago, diseases came from contaminated food, water, and living environment, today’s diseases come from an accumulation of contaminants and toxins in the body.  That’s why over 20 years ago, when I studied natural healing, the experts pointed out that most diseases start in the colon, in our body’s main sewage pipe. And constipation was the leading cause of it.

Like any chronic disease, constipation doesn’t happen overnight. Modern life causes many of us to live in the fast lane. We ignore when nature calls to pass stool, and when there is time and privacy for it the urge is gone.

Yet, most people are not aware they’re constipated because the definition of constipation is confusing and incorrect. Doctors are taught that between one bowel movement a day to one every three days is normal. Right? Do you think it’s normal to have 3 meals a day and pass stool once every 2-3 days? To me, it sounds like there is an accumulation of waste and backup of stool in the colon. That’s why many people are chronically constipated without even knowing it. That’s because for the doctor, passing stool once every 3 days is still normal. On top of that, to many people, it’s embarrassing talking to a doctor about their bowel’s issues.

That’s why people keep silent until digestive problems start to make their life painful. To make the situation even worse they seek advice from unqualified family doctors. Now I want you to listen carefully. When you go see a physician for any acute digestive disorder, most likely, over time, it will turn to a chronic digestive syndrome or disease.

If science doesn’t know what causes digestive diseases, physicians can’t claim their drugs can help in curing. As a fact, their drugs just mask the symptoms while turning acute conditions into chronic. Science has many names for chronic digestive diseases; however, I see only one root to all of the – constipation or shall I say, a chronic backup of feces in the colon.

So how does acute constipation start? Irregular bowel movement can happen to anyone and there are many triggers for that. Traveling, or visiting your in-laws for the holiday weekend can start acute constipation. Antibiotics, antidepressants, and other drugs usually cause changes in bowel movement. Stress, Illness, and surgery do the same. And the list goes on and on.

But despite many life challenges that cause temporarily acute constipation, it’s relatively easy to heal it without medical intervention. However, the statistics show that acute constipation over time, most likely turns to many chronic digestive diseases. How does that happen? Well, we know that acute diseases anywhere in the body lead to infections, and for that, doctors prescribe antibiotics. Right?

Now, when there is an infection in the GI tract, instead of nourishing and healing it, physicians prescribe antiacid and antibiotics that make the situation even worse. From there the road to chronic digestive diseases is short.  In my research I found two reasons for acute constipation to turn into chronic digestive disorders. The first one is people ignoring the condition when it starts and are lazy to fix it.  That’s why when the condition worsens, people rush to see a doctor.

The second contributor to constipation starts at childhood, or even at birth. Babies who were not born natural birth or were not feed breasts milk, tend to be more constipated than other babies. Besides that, all toddlers are potty trained to adopt unnatural ways of defecation. You see, many years ago women gave birth while squatting. That’s the natural way for humans to give birth and to pass stool. Pregnancy is not a disease and childbirth is not an emergency case, both occur naturally. Yet, in the last generations, women are taught to deliver babies in unnatural posture while lying in bed.

And worse than that, today 1 of 3 babies is born in C-section. That’s why 30% of a newborn don’t get beneficial bacteria from the mother’s birth canal. On top of that, over 20% of infants don’t feed on breasts milk at all. And nearly half of infants fed on formula at 6 months of age. Both, natural birth and breasts milk supply the newborn with friendly bacteria and immune stimulants.

Young women should know those facts before they get pregnant. They have to understand the responsibility they have taken to bring a healthy child to the world. Smart advertisers convincing young mothers that their manmade infant formulas are as good as natural breasts milk. And they’re teaching us that the immune system doesn’t function. That’s why they vaccinate us from birth to death. Yet, scientists don’t see the connection between C-section delivery, formula-feed infants, constipation, and multiple digestive disorders. I think they see it, but they have to comply with their employer, mister big pharma. Right?

Digestive problems start during childhood and teenage years. Ignoring the root cause of it and wrong treatment leads to chronic digestive diseases. If kids, teenagers, and young adults are not going to learn about the root cause of diseases in the GI tract, we’re going to see a continuance rise in them.

Customers who came to see me for their digestive diseases used to ask me if they can heal. Healing any chronic disease is different from one to another, and there are some factors to take into consideration. Age, use of medication for chronic diseases, and the damage that was already done by surgeries and other medical interventions can help to determine if healing the diseases is possible.  In my clinics, after helping many people with chronic digestive diseases, and hearing about their pain and suffering, I must say that an ounce of prevention is much better than a pound of treatment. 

If you want to prevent chronic diseases, the best for you to do is go back to nature, even in small steps. The 7 elements, in the puzzle of health, give you the knowledge of how chronic diseases start. When you are aware of the root cause of diseases, it will be easier for you to prevent them. All 7 chapters in the puzzle are free for you to watch. Take charge of your health and wellbeing and I’ll see you in the puzzle. Goodbye.